8 Roselle street Mon El subd. Brgy San Antonio Sucat Road Paranaque City 1715
Contact Phones
Working Hours
Mon-Fri: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Sat-Sun: 11:00 am – 16:00 pm
Did You Know?
We offer a voiceover coaching and demo-production service. Please contact Imhotep888@yahoo.com for more information.
You can listen in on, and contribute to, a SED recording session via Skype. Please add the Skype name “SED” (without the quotation marks) to your contacts list.
You can visit the studio to have a chat, discuss your upcoming project, or to direct your session. Please email us at Imhotep888@yahoo.com to make arrangements.
Contact Form
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Site Links
+63 (912) 467-9401
8 Roselle street Mon El subd. Brgy San Antonio Sucat Road Paranaque City 1715